Email Verifier
Verify the validity of any email address with the most complete email verification service.
Never get bounces anymore
We designed the Email Verifier to be as complete as possible, with validations made at multiple levels: format, domain information, response of the mail servers and comparison with our unique base of 200+ million professional email address.
Get 50 free searches/month
Verify email address in bulk
The Email Finder can be performed to find the email address of a list of people. upload your file in the dashboard and watch it being enriched.
Bulk Email Finder
Available in the API
The main services of Hunter are also available directly though our API.Find the emeail address of any professionalwith a simple API call.
Email Finder APICommon questions about the Email Verifier
The authentications are never very sure, however, we can promise that over 95% of the "valid" email IDs won't get bounced.
While you do the Email Verifications, the results could be "accept all". A few email servers receive all email IDs on similar domain name, if they have really been generated or not. With that case, we can't ensure the verified email ID actually exists as well as return the status, "accept all".
For deciding whether it's secured to use an email address, we return the confidence score with percentage.
An email checker performs the validations without sending the email, through openly connecting to a SMTP server.
When you log in, each verification counts as a request. With the free account, you may use equal to 50 requests every month. If you want more, you need to upgrade to a plan, which suits your requirements. For more information, you can check our pricing.
Here is a list of verifications we do:
- Valid format: Initially, we verify if a format of an email ID is right and it should look like "
- Accept-All Domain: We verify if the server is having an accept-all policy that accepts all email IDs.
- Availability of a SMTP Server: This check will be successful if we can connect with the SMTP server specified in the MX records.
- MX Records Existence: We verify if MX records are there on a domain and if they aren't, then the email ID can't get emails.
- One-Use Email Address: We verify if the ID has the domain name utilized for temporary email IDs.
- Rubbish Email Address: We verify to make sure that the email ID doesn't look random. For instance, won’t pass the test.
- SMTP Checking: We will test an email ID and observe if that gets bounced or not, without sending the email.
- Webmail Email Addresses: We verify if the email ID uses the webmail like Yahoo or Gmail.